Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Me in the Soup, Chicken that is

I love soup, all kinds of it. Corn chowder, lobster bisque, roasted sweet potato, onion soup. But my favorite? Chicken Soup... for the Soul, that is.

I got word this week that the Chicken Soup for the Soul folks accepted a story of mine for one of their collections: Shaping the New You. It's the story of my weight loss success. Woo hoo! Look for it in December, just in time for another round of New Year's resolutions.

If you're a writer (and I know from all your blogs that you are!) take a look at the Chicken Soup website for their books in progress. I submitted two or three stories before this one was chosen. I'd like to give the book on grandmothers a try. Already pondering memories of my wonderful grandmothers!


  1. Hi Nancy, How exciting that you are going to be published in one of their books! Congratulations!

    I noticed your comment on my blog this morning about struggling with hunger. That is something that really interests me, mostly because I want to avoid it at all costs. Have you tried to analyze why you are so hungry? How much fat do you include in your diet? I'm not trying to critique you at all. Just interested in learning.

    Only thing I would say is to let yourself have something to eat first thing in the morning. It is one of my great pleasures in life! If it is really early, I split my breakfast and have two little breakfasts 2-3 hours apart.

    I like your blog very much. Must visit more often! Loved your lists of food you love and don't love.

  2. Congratulations! What a great accomplishment for you!!

  3. That's exciting for you, Nancy! I"ll have to look it up now. Very neat. Congratulations!

  4. thanks, all, for the congrats. now i know i'll keep my weight off another year. it would be too embarrassing otherwise!

    debby... i really think the hunger is simply from being up a few hours earlier in the day. oddly, i'm not hungry at night, so i don't struggle with snacking late. i'll have to do what you do and have two small healthy breakfasts. as it is now, i'm pushing lunch up to 11 a.m. and then getting hungry way before dinner! what i have for breakfast is a piece of wheat toast (high fiber count) with peanut butter, maybe 2 tbsps. it used to hold me over to lunch. any suggestions?

  5. Thanks for your comment on my blog. The orange liqueur sounds divine!

    And I will have to check out the Chicken Soup for the Soul website, that is fun to have something you wrote picked for inclusion!

    Some of the best motivational material I have read was written by Jack Canfield. I have one series on my ipod right now! Good stuff.


  6. Hi Nancy, Well, for me any kind of bread tends to make me want more too soon. That much peanut butter seems pretty good, though. I like fruit a lot, so most of what I eat would not work for you. Calorie-wise, when I am staying on track, this is typical of how my day spreads out: 2 breakfasts, total 500 calories, lunch 250 calories, afternoon snack 150 calories, dinner 200 calories, evening snack 200 calories.

    If you like oatmeal, it is really good with quinoa and/or flax meal added. And Lori over on Finding Radiance has directions for two of my favorite breakfasts. Protein pancakes and Custard oats. Both of these hold me for a LONG time. I love yogurt with walnuts.

  7. debby... for me, anything sweet in the morning (fruit, pancakes, etc.) just makes me want sweet stuff all day long. that's why the bread and peanut butter works. i like cereal, but not oatmeal. cereal just doesn't seem to hold me over very long. i'll look into what custard oats are, though. that sounds interesting. thanks!
