My book of weight loss success stories, How We Did It: Weight Loss Choices that Will Work for You released last week. Just in time for the holiday food fest!
How We Did It started as this blog, Thirty Ways. In the book, I interview about 30 people on how they lost weight. Each person succeeded on a different plan -- whether a blockbuster plan like Atkins, Weight Watchers or South Beach -- or a plan of their own. Some people had 20 pounds to lose, some 220 pounds. And everyone succeeded!
Along with these inspirational stories, I provide information about the plan used and a handy checklist to help readers determine what plan might work for them. I also include interviews with noted weight loss experts like Dr. James O. Hill, co-founder of the National Weight Control Registry and Dr. Howard Eisenson, executive director of the Duke Diet & Fitness Center. You'll also find helpful tips on a wide range of weight loss topics, including how to choose a personal trainer and how to gauge the effectiveness of various forms of exercise.
Many of the people in the book have appeared in this blog. Feel free to browse through earlier posts to meet some of these inspiring people. And, if you write a weight loss blog and might like to review the book, please feel free to contact me to request a review copy. You can leave a comment here, or e-mail me at kennedy5961 (at) aol (dot) com. I will put you in touch with the publicist for Leafwood, my publisher.
While I was more actively posting to this blog, I was so inspired by your stories of striving and succeeding! When I talked with people personally about their stories, the determination to succeed was evident in their tone of voice, their choice of words, their sense of excitement. Even more satisfying than their new sizes, people were proud to have finally won this battle, one that in most cases had lasted for years. I wish every success for you, too!